
The Latest

  • Love’s Laughter: A Serenade of Silliness

    Love’s Laughter: A Serenade of Silliness

    Once upon a time in a land of laughter,There lived a pair whose love story was a riotous chapter.She was a jester with a heart… Read More.

  • Fragments of the Fallen

    Fragments of the Fallen

    A broken man, a shattered guise,In the mirror, his fragmented lies.A hundred words to stitch the pain,Each verse a piece, in the life’s disdain. Battles… Read More.

  • Whispers of Her Woe

    Whispers of Her Woe

    In silence, she bears the weight of unshed tears,A damsel draped in the fabric of her fears.A hundred words to trace her silent sorrow’s flow,Each… Read More.

  • Shades of Sorrow

    Shades of Sorrow

    In the quiet of the night, sorrow weaves its thread,Through the fabric of the soul, a tapestry of dread.A hundred words to paint the shades… Read More.

  • Roots of Time

    Roots of Time

    L I F E is a tree rooted deep in the soil of time, branches reaching for the sky, each leaf a moment, each branch… Read More.

  • Whispers of Love

    Whispers of Love

    In twilight’s embrace, love’s whispers linger, Hearts entwined; a bond that grows stronger. Beneath the stars, our dreams take flight, Guided by love’s eternal light.… Read More.

  • The Clever Sparrow

    The Clever Sparrow

    Chirpy the sparrow taught unity and clever thinking to all. Read More.

  • Elly’s Jumbo Surprise

    Elly’s Jumbo Surprise

    In the heart of the jungle, there was a young elephant named Elly who loved to tell jokes. Elly’s best friend was a wise old… Read More.

  • Life’s Chuckle

    Life’s Chuckle

    Life’s a jest, a chuckle, a wink,A clumsy dance on the brink.A hundred words to make you smile,Each line a step, each verse worthwhile. We… Read More.

  • Wings of Friendship

    Wings of Friendship

    In the meadow’s heart, where wildflowers dream, Two friends danced, a lovely team.**Flutter**, yellow as the morning sun,**Breeze**, blue as the day begun. They met… Read More.

  • Twee’s Melody: A Forest Choir

    Twee’s Melody: A Forest Choir

    Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a little bird named **Twee**. Twee was known for her beautiful singing voice, which… Read More.

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